Alok Agrawal

B Sc. Hons Electronics Engineer, worked as a Design and Development Engineer designing Telephone Exchange Equipment TXE4A, System X. In 1980 founded a charity Agrasen Sabha to promote Indian Culture and Heritage and I am Chair of Trustees. As Local Councillor Chair of Audit and Public Finances, Housing Partnership, Vice Chair of Licencing Board, member of Planning Board and member of scrutiny Board. Trustee of Number of charities such as Transport for All, Enfield Voluntary Action, North London Asian Care, Deep Indian 50 plus Association (Enfield). Chair of Sub Postmaster Federation East London, Secretary of Newsagent Federation East London. More than 20 years School Governor Chair, Vice Chair, Chair of Finance, link Governor. Chair of Safer neighbourhood Ward committee, Secretary of Safe neighbourhood Board Enfield. Member of Committee to setup the Healthwatch Enfield. Rotarian President of Club 2 years, Assistant Governor London District 3-year, member of District International, membership, Community committees. National Executive Member of The National Federation of Occupational Pensioner. Life member of GMB. Treasurer Indian Journalist Association UK (2020-22). Involved in Community work 40 years.